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Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Getting Ready for the New Year - Step One

Sandra Herbst, Brenda Augusta and I have been having a wonderful learning time with August. Last week in Fredericton, NB and this week in Canmore, Alberta we have been surrounded by the most amazing, dedicated groups of educators. The four institutes are all different but the enthusiasm is the same.

We have been working on a variety of topics related to classroom assessment. This work has reminded me to share a powerful set of steps to Get Ready for the School Year. This is Step One!

All my best,

PS Here is a painting I did on the way from Fredericton, NB to Calgary, AB. Painting calms my mind. What do you do to calm your mind and bring into the present moment?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Anne, I absolutely love this stuff. I began my journey with authentic learning in the 90's. My entry point was Heidi Hayes Jacobs and Curriculum Mapping. We collaborated in our school to create a working C. Map incorporating Content, Skills, Assessment. We embedded Inquiry, Backwards Design, Essential Questions, and assessment for learning. Transparency with all stakeholders and student ownership was our cornerstone...very powerful and right to the bottom line: Student Success. Thanks.
    P.S.I have a photo of my garden @ the lake; close up of my July blooming lilies against the cedar deck. Nancy
