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Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Report Card Planning

Sarah is working on a project related to reporting. (A while ago I tweeted about an interesting blog by Andrew Campbell that you may also want to read.)

As I reflected on the questions she posed, I invited her to get in touch so we could have a longer conversation. And, I posted the following quick comment...

I'm happy to talk some more about reporting... especially when we conceive of reporting as a process rather than an event and when we think about how children can be involved in communicating evidence of their own learning. Technology is beginning to make it possible for students to take control of communicating the evidence of learning and for teachers to communicate their professional judgement in relation to grade level expectations... two thoughts come to mind...

1. The person working the hardest is learning the most...why shouldn't students be working harder (and smarter) when it comes to reporting?

2. Teachers professional judgement is more reliable and valid than external tests when they have been engaged in co-constructing criteria, looking at samples of student work, scoring that work, checking for inter-rater reliability, and so on....

What happens when we help students understand quality, learn the language of assessment, and self-monitor their way to success??? Even young children can do this! We have documentation. We have research evidence. Why not have students deeply engaged in collecting and sharing evidence of their learning?

Why don't you post your thoughts also? Here is the link again.


PS This is a topic we focus on during our summer Institutes and is often what people ask us to focus on as part of our sessions with schools and districts. Get in touch with me via Twitter (on this blog page) or through Kathy Burns at our office 1.800.603.9888/250.703.2920 if you want to find out more.

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